guess what?
it's hardly believe that i could do this as i had nvr think to learn tis after i found out it's not as hard as what i thought.
it was successful just like that >.<
why i would want to learn dat ?!i dunno =.=
it just happened in a sudden & very automatically!zzz
i think he was asked to teach when i was waiting for something.?!
oh yea,i was boiling the water for our supper-- milo.. sweat!
so free huh.
m supposed to study..lazy sial><
my sifu was instructing me..
"put ur left hand under ur.. put ur right hand ...bla bla bla..''
"slowly..fall ur head on da floor.."
"...opppsss...canot..let me try again.."
"errr...see me..after ur head reach the floor only settle ur leg..dont swing ur leg 1st.."
" ....OH.....still canot..."
"..slowly la.."
someone passed by...make me laughed..
sorry tat i shocked her..haha
of course,i failed again...
i intended to try one more time..
rmb what my sifu have taught..
slowly..slowly..canot rush..
very soon..
finally..i did it...
''the freeze"
hurry took down the pic..hhahaha...

i did it i did excited!~wooott.
i kno im sampat =.=
pls forgive happy ma..
at least my sifu praised me tat some ppl nid 1-2 days or even 1weeks to learn this..
but u learnt it so fast..
think he was praising himself tat he is a good master..not my talent matter.
after bathing,i tried it again without anyone seeing me..shy@@
BUT,i keep falling down..why huh?!just now succeed is fake one arrr??
i got an experience..canot do it after bathed.gosh~
u kno why?
after bathing,my hand and leg are so licin until when my hand contacted with my hand kept sliding down ..><
think nobd understand wat im trying to say..
forget about it..
im so sampat.
nothing to be proud also =.=
guess what?
it's hardly believe that i could do this as i had nvr think to learn tis after i found out it's not as hard as what i thought.
it was successful just like that >.<
why i would want to learn dat ?!i dunno =.=
it just happened in a sudden & very automatically!zzz
i think he was asked to teach when i was waiting for something.?!
oh yea,i was boiling the water for our supper-- milo.. sweat!
so free huh.
m supposed to study..lazy sial><
my sifu was instructing me..
"put ur left hand under ur.. put ur right hand ...bla bla bla..''
"slowly..fall ur head on da floor.."
"...opppsss...canot..let me try again.."
"errr...see me..after ur head reach the floor only settle ur leg..dont swing ur leg 1st.."
" ....OH.....still canot..."
"..slowly la.."
someone passed by...make me laughed..
sorry tat i shocked her..haha
of course,i failed again...
i intended to try one more time..
rmb what my sifu have taught..
slowly..slowly..canot rush..
very soon..
finally..i did it...
''the freeze"
hurry took down the pic..hhahaha...

i did it i did excited!~wooott.
i kno im sampat =.=
pls forgive happy ma..
at least my sifu praised me tat some ppl nid 1-2 days or even 1weeks to learn this..
but u learnt it so fast..
think he was praising himself tat he is a good master..not my talent matter.
after bathing,i tried it again without anyone seeing me..shy@@
BUT,i keep falling down..why huh?!just now succeed is fake one arrr??
i got an experience..canot do it after bathed.gosh~
u kno why?
after bathing,my hand and leg are so licin until when my hand contacted with my hand kept sliding down ..><
think nobd understand wat im trying to say..
forget about it..
im so sampat.
nothing to be proud also =.=
nice baby freeze xD
Ur dear teach de?
I OSO WAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
to jojo: sifu is my dear...
to wewe: time try to show..if i m still able to do it...
fuiyooooooooooo~~~amo sifu not bad ma xD hahaha.....geng ada talent =p keep it on....but becareful har.....kekekeke....=p
walao..u not sampat
i get wat u mean..ahahaha
yeah nice time show
hahaaa...i'll be careful one..
who are u ar??ice ice..
ok..will show u..haha
walao...GENG!!! [CLAP CLAP CLAP]
well done girl..[pak qiu~~]
but this photo look like u wanna kick the camera..haha...kong fu girl
haha...thanks cai cai..
not kungfu me bgirl..hahahaha
weiwei know how to do it!!! ask her show u .. wakaka
Ah Fu also know how to do it now!
Sifu here! =P
He told me he don't know do but he success to freeze in less than 5 times of try.
The earth gravity is lesser now? Why everyone can do it so easy now? I need few days time to learn only can do, my sifu is also Amo, HAHA!
I understand what you mean too.
LOL..then u lame lo...we have the same sifu....bur u slow...hahaha
i kno..amo told me afoo aka the anonymous above know how to do...yer...ppl learn he also wan learnt...copy ppl...
wei wei also kno liao arrr??haha..who teach de??
great tat u n ice ice also kno wat i meant...
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